Registering for camp is done in one step: Click on the 'Register Now' button!
Be sure that you have the items listed below on hand BEFORE starting the registration process. Once you start the process, you CANNOT save progress. The form must be completed in one attempt.
The following is needed to complete the registration process:
- Medical Insurance Card
- Camper immunization records: Immunization Records must be dated within last 12 months.
- Camper's most recent doctor's physical OR completed Empower Camp Physician's Report: The Empower Camp Physician's Report is available via download below. The doctor's paperwork must be dated within last 12 months and must show assessment of overall health, medications and allergies.
- Credit or debit card to complete payment: You will be able to apply for a camp scholarship during the registration process. Please note that all Scholarships are partial, and a $25 deposit is due with submission of this registration form. The $25 may be returned to you after the camper attends the camp program. Registration is not complete until you pay the camp fee! After you submit the Registration Form, you will be prompted to pay. Click on the link and submit payment.